Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, let's be friends?

Starting the new year off right by successfully dumping all the left over holiday treats into the trash where they belong!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

UGHGHGHGHHHHHGhuuuuuuuhgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh.....no more food! I am feeling crazy mode coming on, where I toss every naughty little treat in to the trash, husband better hide it if he wants it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Been doing some family history work. Its elating, but also terrifying. Most of my relatives on both sides died fairly young. Including grandparents, a generation who had the modern medical system.... What does this say. IF YOU KEEP ON YOUR CURRENT LAZY CYCLE YOU WILL DIE YOUNG TOO! ITS IN YOUR DNA. Don't do that to the people you love. Next time you want to put that piece of chocolate in your mouth, picture the face of someone you fiercely love, and think I love you enough to not eat this, and walk away.... You clearly don't love yourself enough yet to do it for yourself, but do it for those who will be racked with anguish when they put you in the ground to soon.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bronchitis to the point of being prescribed and inhaler along with my antibiotics.... gooogamooga.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Feeling so volatile today!!! Don't talk to me cause I might just bite your head off for no reason! or kick you in the shin just to see you cry, or whatev you get the point.... I think the deep root of it is I'm so flipping disgusted with myself that I feel a compulsion to take it out on everyone else.
My poor baby has heard his fair share of no, NO, NOOOOOOOOO this morning... time to take out the rubber gloves and take my aggression out on the bathroom. Scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub till your hands chap and bleed, that will give you something constructive to do. Heal your bloody hands. I can do that.
thanks for the vent. See you same time tomorrow? With the same never ending problem? Sheesh keyboard your such a wonderful therapist.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My adjective for the day: Svelte.

1. slender, especially gracefully slender in figure; lithe.

I will use this word to be positive about myself, it describes me.

But I often feel like this svelte person is zipped inside a fat suit and the zipper is stuck....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

TWO WORDS... SWISS CHOCOLATE. I have seriously eaten 5 pieces while I have been at work today. Work is always a toughy because I seldom pack food with me and get so faintinly hungry that I end up eating what ever is on the break table... Yeah that nasty cake that has been sitting there for over 2 weeks. When you are desperate, ughhhh I make myself sick.